Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Tip #4: Why You Should Replace Outdated Receptacles with TR Receptacles!

Difference between TR and old style receptacles
         Tamper-Resistant (TR) receptacles contain a built-in shutter system that allows plugs to be inserted ONLY when equal pressure is applied simultaneously to both sides of the receptacle. TR receptacles reduce the risk of electrical injuries, but are not completely tamper-proof. Many people believe that TR receptacles are child-proof, which they aren’t, but they are intended to increase safety for children, much safer than old style receptacles.
            Old style receptacles don't contain this built-in shutter system, therefore the risk of anyone (especially a child) to get electrocuted is much higher. Some parents that have old style receptacle usually purchase plastic outlet plugs to cover the slots on the receptacles so children won’t insert anything into the slots. These plugs can be a chocking hazard to children if they are able to remove them, or if people forget to reinsert them after using the receptacle.

Locations & Requirements
            All 125volt, 15 or 20amp receptacles are required to be listed as tamper-resistant receptacles in all areas (commercial and residential) where children will be present. Typically, commercial spaces and office buildings do not require TR receptacles. All new outlets installed in old or new construction must also be TR receptacles.

            Combination Tamper & Water Resistant (TR & WR) receptacles ensure safety and weather resistance in wet and damp outdoor locations. TR & WR receptacle requirements may vary by location/city.  

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Tip #7: What are AFCI Devices?

Functions: AFCI Receptacle Vs AFCI Breaker           Arc-Fault Circuit Interrupter (AFCI) receptacle is intended to be installed as the f...